Stefano David, PhD

Technical writing&copywriting, training.

Address & Legal

Stefano David
Via Carezza 42/A
I - 39056 Nova Levante (BZ)


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adearte graphic design

Who am I (and my background)

I earned my PhD degree at the Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy, as a member of the Semedia research group, with a thesis entitled Ontology Engineering Methodologies for Information Integration. I spent my academic career working in the Semantic Web and in formal languages, with focus on OWL, the Web Ontology Language and Description Logics.

I use computers since I was very young, my first Home Computer being a Sinclair ZX Spectrum. I have 20+ years experience in using PCs. My expertise includes operating systems administration on Windows, Linux, and Mac OSX, to programming languages (mostly bash programming), Database design and administration (PostgreSQL and mySQL), setup and configuration of various services and daemons on Linux systems, web development ((X)HTML, CSS, javascript, XSLT, XPath), and various markup languages, including XML, python-sphinx, LaTeX, and asciidoc.

What I am working on

My primary job is technical writer in the field of Computer Science. I am also a trainer.

Since March 2016 I am a freelancer. In my current occupation I develop various types of documentation (Reference manuals, user guides and supporting material, using mostly markup languages like python sphinx and .Markdown.

In the past I have given some lectures as a university assistant and short training courses to my colleagues. In addition, I am currently involved in partner training for a company in Bolzano.

In my spare time

I like mountains!

I am a 30+ years member of the Italian Alpine Club and I enjoy mountaineering, via ferrata (climbing roads with fixed ropes), hiking, snowshoes walking, a bit of climbing, and also just walking in the woods: These activities take almost all of my spare time!

I also enjoy reading, solving mathematical and logical puzzles, craft beers, sports on TV - especially rugby union, and documentaries.